Boca — an idea for reviving a white hall

With the Boca col­lec­tion, you will cre­ate a cle­ar arran­ge­ment of the hall, thanks to bre­aking the whi­te­ness with natu­ral addi­tions. The com­bi­na­tion of clas­sic whi­te in gloss and ele­ments in the oak-colo­­red color ide­al­ly suited to inte­riors in both Scan­di­na­vian and modern sty­les.The com­bi­na­tion of fur­ni­tu­re will allow you…

Brussel from Black Red White in London

The Brus­sel col­lec­tion is a novel­ty from the Black Red Whi­te fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer. Clas­sic fur­ni­tu­re inspi­red by colo­nial sty­le. The mas­si­ve con­struc­tion of the fur­ni­tu­re and the­ir warm stir­ling oak color will attract eve­ry­one­’s atten­tion. Atten­tion to deta­il, slats on the fronts, thic­ke­ned sides and mini­ma­list han­dles. Disco­ver the possibilities…

Graphite Brindisi

Are you looking for modern fur­ni­tu­re for your apart­ment, and most of the fur­ni­tu­re cur­ren­tly offe­red occurs in whi­te and black com­bi­na­tions? We have some­thing dif­fe­rent for you.The latest col­lec­tion of Brin­di­si is a sty­lish col­lec­tion ava­ila­ble in gra­phi­te color. Sim­ple con­struc­tions of solids and uni­ver­sal color were bro­ken here…

The Zele collection is a light form in your home from today

For tho­se who like moder­ni­ty and for tho­se who appre­cia­te the beau­ty of oak fur­ni­tu­re, the Zele col­lec­tion was cre­ated. The body in the color of wotan oak is com­bi­ned with whi­te glos­sy fronts, com­bi­ning sim­pli­ci­ty with ele­gan­ce. Modern cha­rac­ter is empha­si­zed by han­dles inte­gra­ted with the upper edge of…

Balder furniture — a strong accent in the interior

A new pro­po­si­tion. Bet on a modern arran­ge­ment with the Bal­der fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion. Sim­ple sty­le and uni­ver­sal color com­bi­na­tions: rivie­ra oak and whi­te gloss will be the basis for sty­lish acces­so­ries. What distin­gu­ishes the col­lec­tion are thic­ke­ned body strips and con­tra­sting mini­ma­list han­dles. Use the modu­lar Bal­der col­lec­tion and create…

Dreviso-fashionable and bright furniture

The Dre­vi­so col­lec­tion was inspi­red by Scan­di­na­vian sim­pli­ci­ty and natu­re. The basis of the arran­ge­ment is a com­bi­na­tion of whi­te and west­min­ster oak. Ver­ti­cal gro­oves on the fronts, exten­ded side strips serving as ori­gi­nal han­dles bre­ak the sim­pli­ci­ty of the solids of the­se fur­ni­tu­re. The uni­que atmo­sphe­re will help create…

Bergen — a delightful combination of geometric forms

Ori­gi­nal deta­ils and sub­du­ed colors, this is what distin­gu­ishes this fur­ni­tu­re. They work per­fec­tly in the living room and in the bedro­om. A sim­ple form of solids is deco­ra­ted with a cha­rac­te­ri­stic “inden­ta­tion” in the side edges. Com­ple­men­ting the sha­pe of the fur­ni­tu­re is also a pro­tru­ding, stra­ight plinth and…

Balin furniture — an alternative to ubiquitous white

Thanks to the design, this col­lec­tion fits per­fec­tly both into modern and clas­sic inte­riors. Thic­ke­ned, mas­si­ve body that cre­ates a uni­que set­ting for smo­oth fronts with a sim­ple han­dle. This com­bi­na­tion is the result of a fresh look at the clas­sics. This is com­ple­men­ted by dark colors com­bi­ning the visible…

Possi Air — an even fresher look at design

If you are looking for inno­va­ti­ve solu­tions and geo­me­tric forms then the­se fur­ni­tu­re are for you. Possi Air is a col­lec­tion that will fit into any arran­ge­ment. Visu­al­ly light and eco­no­mi­cal sty­le adds ele­gan­ce to a modern inte­rior. The cha­rac­ter of the col­lec­tion is empha­si­zed by deco­ra­ti­ve ele­ments in four…

Dinaro II furniture — fresh look at modern arrangements

Dina­ro II fur­ni­tu­re was desi­gned with the tho­ught of arran­ging modern day rooms. The ori­gi­nal accent is the mas­si­ve side slats that diver­si­fy the sim­ple form of the ele­ments. The sim­pli­ci­ty of the solids is com­ple­men­ted with the ori­gi­nal form of han­dles inte­gra­ted with the front. The natu­re of the…