Karet-alternative for smooth forms

The modern Karet col­lec­tion cat­ches the eye with a sim­ple struc­tu­re and extra­or­di­na­ry cha­rac­ter. Thic­ke­ned sides of the body form a solid fra­me for the fronts. You can cho­ose from 2 ver­sions of fronts: with hori­zon­tal or ver­ti­cal mil­ling cut­ters. The func­tio­na­li­ty of the fur­ni­tu­re is raised by sub­tle handles…

Luttich-modernity inspired by nature

Disco­ver the balan­ce betwe­en natu­re and moder­ni­ty pre­sen­ted in the Lut­tich fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion. The colo­ra­tion of bari­que oak and visi­ble wood gra­in is a refe­ren­ce to natu­re that will work in any inte­rior. It’s a uni­ver­sal base that you can bre­ak with color­ful acces­so­ries. The sim­ple sty­li­stics and sub­tly rounded…

Arendal-furniture with a timeless accent in the living room

Time­less fur­ni­tu­re, at the same time ele­gant and effec­ti­ve. Bet on sub­tle gou­ges and bold accents in the Aren­dal col­lec­tion. The clas­sic color of whi­te was bro­ken with natu­ral wood in the cor­ners of the solids, and the vene­ered inserts pier­ce in the spa­ces betwe­en the dra­wers and cabi­nets. The…

Furniture Romance-Scandinavian vision of the apartment

Love the fashio­na­ble, bri­ght and deli­ght­ful arran­ge­ments in the Scan­di­na­vian sty­le. The Roman­ce col­lec­tion com­bi­nes ele­gan­ce, neat­ness and func­tio­na­li­ty. The com­bi­na­tion of color of bri­ght fronts with dar­ker tops will work as the basis for the arran­ge­ment. Silver han­dles and cha­rac­te­ri­stic fra­mes on the fronts empha­si­ze the cha­rac­ter of the…

With Luca Juzi furniture, create a Provencal interior

Cozy, bri­ght, home made arran­ge­ments in the Pro­ven­cal sty­le. Now also ava­ila­ble in our fur­ni­tu­re sto­re in Lon­don. Memo­ries of sun­ny holi­days come to life thanks to the col­lec­tion of Luc Juzi. Sim­ple lumps are deco­ra­ted with sti­les on the fronts, which empha­si­ze the sty­le. Bri­ght bodies and light-colo­­red larch-colored…

Lines collection — a way to a modern and functional bedroom

The Lines fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion will work in modern arran­ge­ments. Sim­ple sha­pes and tho­ught­ful solu­tions incre­ase the com­fort of using fur­ni­tu­re. The color com­bi­na­tion of dark gray (lava) and whi­te­wa­shed car­pa­tia will sure­ly deli­ght lovers of toned arran­ge­ments. Quiet­ness and silen­ce during use are guaran­te­ed by guides with a silent system.…

Elis-furniture for a modern living room

Uni­ver­sal whi­te is com­bi­ned here with ele­ments of natu­ral wood to cre­ate an inspi­ring com­po­si­tion. Ori­gi­nal­ly wooden beech cor­ner slats, no han­dles and pro­fes­sio­nal acces­so­ries fit into the trends of modern inte­rior design solu­tions. The cho­ice betwe­en sub­tle legs and ele­gant plin­ths for indi­vi­du­al ele­ments. In the Elis col­lec­tion you…

Original furniture for the dining room or living room

The light sha­de with the repro­duc­tion of the jar faith­ful­ly reflects the natu­ral design of Scan­di­na­vian fur­ni­tu­re. Amster­dam fur­ni­tu­re is inspi­red by the Scan­di­na­vian and Dutch tra­di­tions. Thick sides and han­dles in the form of black knobs, a com­bi­na­tion that gives it an idyl­lic look and sty­le. Soun­dless ope­ning of…

Fashion‑a multitude of dimensions for every space

Fashion is a return to the begin­ning — to pure form, whi­te, black and natu­ral wood. Ligh­twe­ight metal base for selec­ted blocks to cho­ose from. As a sup­ple­ment, light and open­work table tops are ava­ila­ble. All this gives an extre­me­ly mini­ma­list cha­rac­ter. Feel the fresh air of the ultra­prost line…

Moko-An extensive collection of designer furniture in the UK

Moko fur­ni­tu­re is unu­su­al ori­gi­nal solu­tions in the area of tele­vi­sion cor­ners, can­te­ens, websi­tes, dres­sers, she­lves and tables. Cre­ate a living room in a con­tem­po­ra­ry, mini­ma­list sty­le inspi­red by the 1960s. Light and roomy pie­ces of fur­ni­tu­re com­bi­ne uni­que colors and sto­ra­ge func­tio­na­li­ty. Enjoy wat­ching movies with your loved ones,…