Original furniture for the dining room or living room

The light sha­de with the repro­duc­tion of the jar faith­ful­ly reflects the natu­ral design of Scan­di­na­vian fur­ni­tu­re. Amster­dam fur­ni­tu­re is inspi­red by the Scan­di­na­vian and Dutch tra­di­tions. Thick sides and han­dles in the form of black knobs, a com­bi­na­tion that gives it an idyl­lic look and sty­le. Soun­dless ope­ning of the fronts is ensu­red by solid hin­ges of a repu­ta­ble com­pa­ny. Pol­skie meble w UK na każ­dą kieszeń.

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