Moko-An extensive collection of designer furniture in the UK

Moko fur­ni­tu­re is unu­su­al ori­gi­nal solu­tions in the area of tele­vi­sion cor­ners, can­te­ens, websi­tes, dres­sers, she­lves and tables. Cre­ate a living room in a con­tem­po­ra­ry, mini­ma­list sty­le inspi­red by the 1960s. Light and roomy pie­ces of fur­ni­tu­re com­bi­ne uni­que colors and sto­ra­ge func­tio­na­li­ty. Enjoy wat­ching movies with your loved ones, and hide TV behind a sli­ding front if neces­sa­ry. You can find more sug­ge­stions on our websi­te or by visi­ting our showroom.

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