Luttich-modernity inspired by nature

Disco­ver the balan­ce betwe­en natu­re and moder­ni­ty pre­sen­ted in the Lut­tich fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion. The colo­ra­tion of bari­que oak and visi­ble wood gra­in is a refe­ren­ce to natu­re that will work in any inte­rior. It’s a uni­ver­sal base that you can bre­ak with color­ful acces­so­ries. The sim­ple sty­li­stics and sub­tly roun­ded top are under­li­ned with han­dles. Sub­du­ed colors in a natu­ral sha­de of bari­que oak are deco­ra­ted with hori­zon­tal gro­oves on the fronts. Com­for­ta­ble use is the result of brand acces­so­ries with a silent house sys­tem. The sites have sta­ined glass and ligh­ting, so that the living room will gain a new glow and cha­rac­ter. This col­lec­tion is dedi­ca­ted to the hall and the living room, in which you will cre­ate a cohe­rent arran­ge­ment. More sug­ge­stions on our websi­te or welco­me to visit our fur­ni­tu­re sto­re in Lon­don. Naj­więk­szy wybór mebli pro­sto z Polski.

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