Dreviso-fashionable and bright furniture

The Dre­vi­so col­lec­tion was inspi­red by Scan­di­na­vian sim­pli­ci­ty and natu­re. The basis of the arran­ge­ment is a com­bi­na­tion of whi­te and west­min­ster oak. Ver­ti­cal gro­oves on the fronts, exten­ded side strips serving as ori­gi­nal han­dles bre­ak the sim­pli­ci­ty of the solids of the­se fur­ni­tu­re. The uni­que atmo­sphe­re will help cre­ate gla­zed fronts and ava­ila­ble LED ligh­ting. Set up a dres­ser, an RTV cabi­net, a shelf and vario­us websi­tes and cre­ate a homo­ge­ne­ous living room and dining room. Polish fur­ni­tu­re in Scan­di­na­vian sty­le only in Euro Fur­ni­tu­re — sklep z pol­ski­mi mebla­mi w UK.

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