Dinaro II furniture — fresh look at modern arrangements

Dina­ro II fur­ni­tu­re was desi­gned with the tho­ught of arran­ging modern day rooms. The ori­gi­nal accent is the mas­si­ve side slats that diver­si­fy the sim­ple form of the ele­ments. The sim­pli­ci­ty of the solids is com­ple­men­ted with the ori­gi­nal form of han­dles inte­gra­ted with the front. The natu­re of the fur­ni­tu­re is also empha­si­zed by the rivie­ra oak color and the effec­ti­ve LED bac­kli­gh­ting on the sites. The func­tio­na­li­ty is pro­vi­ded by acces­so­ries with a higher stan­dard, guaran­te­eing smo­oth and quiet clo­sing of the fronts and dra­wers. With the ele­ments of the Dina­ro II col­lec­tion, you will arran­ge the inte­rior of a spa­cio­us, fashio­na­ble living room and dining room.

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