Malcolm youth furniture with letter print

The Mal­colm youth fur­ni­tu­re set inc­lu­des 5 ele­ments that are per­fect for both small and spa­cio­us rooms. When desi­gning fur­ni­tu­re, atten­tion has been paid to design so that the fur­ni­tu­re meets the latest trends. This was also achie­ved thanks to the color com­bi­na­tions so fashio­na­ble this season. The use of lar­ge ear­plugs ensu­res com­for­ta­ble use. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly note­wor­thy are the let­ter imprints giving the fur­ni­tu­re a uni­que cha­rac­ter. The set of fur­ni­tu­re has eve­ry­thing you need to sto­re things in a young man: a desk, a dres­ser, a high book­ca­se, a han­ging cabi­net, a 2‑door war­dro­be. Fur­ni­tu­re modu­les can be fre­ely com­bi­ned with each other, leaving the possi­bi­li­ty of arran­ge­ment or you can set them as a wall unit, which will per­fec­tly blend into the English room. We invi­te eve­ry­one from the UK to the sto­re in London.


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