Anticca-furniture with thick fronts

The Polish Antic­ca fur­ni­tu­re has an inno­va­ti­ve design com­bi­ned with func­tio­na­li­ty to accom­mo­da­te all things in an orga­ni­zed man­ner. The vivid gra­ins visi­ble in the oak color of the monu­ment and the gre­at possi­bi­li­ties of com­bi­ning cabi­nets, che­sts of dra­wers, war­dro­bes and ele­gant win­dows will give a uni­que design to your inte­rior. Thick fronts do not have han­dles, and the undi­stur­bed sur­fa­ce of the fronts enhan­ces the puri­ty of forms witho­ut unne­ces­sa­ry deta­il. Illu­mi­na­ted sites will give the room a sli­gh­tly maje­stic atmo­sphe­re, high­li­gh­ting the­ir deta­ils such as deco­ra­ted dishes insi­de, por­ce­la­in or pho­to fra­mes. Com­for­ta­ble use is added by high-quali­ty fur­ni­tu­re acces­so­ries. Guides and hin­ges are equ­ip­ped with a silent clo­sing sys­tem. With this fur­ni­tu­re sys­tem you can suc­cess­ful­ly arran­ge an inte­re­sting living room and bedro­om, and your home will wake up all your guests.


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