Byron-bedroom furniture in a modern style

Bedro­om fur­ni­tu­re Byron is the quin­tes­sen­ce of modern design and sim­pli­ci­ty at its best. Moder­nist accents give the fur­ni­tu­re lumps a uni­que cha­rac­ter, and the uni­que sty­li­stics of this col­lec­tion are empha­si­zed by sophi­sti­ca­ted han­dles with ele­ments of tem­pe­red glass. Whi­te glos­sy fronts expo­se the mini­ma­lism of the com­po­si­tion. This bedro­om will cer­ta­in­ly have a posi­ti­ve effect on your well-being after a hard day­’s work. The fur­ni­tu­re sys­tem con­si­sts of 5 ele­ments. Modern and spa­cio­us bed is a guaran­tee of peace­ful rest and rela­xa­tion. The bed has a prac­ti­cal head­bo­ard. Of cour­se, the cho­ice of a suita­ble mat­tress com­ple­tes the com­fort. A spa­cio­us war­dro­be is able to accom­mo­da­te even the lar­gest war­dro­be col­lec­tion. Equ­ip­ped with a spa­cio­us mir­ror is an addi­tio­nal deco­ra­tion of the bedro­om, and at the same time opti­cal­ly enlar­ges it. As a com­ple­ment, we recom­mend a smal­ler war­dro­be, whe­re you can sto­re the rest of the stuff. The chest of dra­wers can be used not only as a pie­ce of fur­ni­tu­re to sto­re small items, but also as a shelf for deco­ra­ti­ve acces­so­ries. The night­stand com­ple­tes the enti­re col­lec­tion. Ide­al­ly suited as a table for a book, maga­zi­ne or mor­ning cof­fee. The fur­ni­tu­re has been equ­ip­ped with guides with a silent clo­sing sys­tem, which works well in the mor­ning going to work, so as not to wake up other house­hold members.


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