Dinaro furniture collection

Living room deco­ra­ted with a Dina­ro fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion is ano­ther exam­ple sho­wing the modern design of Polish fur­ni­tu­re com­bi­ned with func­tio­na­li­ty. It is a living room with a home cen­ter and a meeting pla­ce with fami­ly and friends. Per­fect for a respi­te after a hard day at work or at scho­ol. The featu­res of this fur­ni­tu­re sys­tem are mini­ma­lism, and whi­te color gives moder­ni­stic design. This affects the ligh­ting of the inte­rior, enlar­ging them visu­al­ly. The fur­ni­tu­re sys­tem has been desi­gned so that you can easi­ly sto­re things as well as nume­ro­us small items. The arbi­tra­ry com­bi­na­tion of ele­ments allows you to cre­ate your own uni­que com­po­si­tions. Care was also taken of the com­fort of using high-quali­ty fur­ni­tu­re acces­so­ries, inc­lu­ding sli­des with a silent clo­sing sys­tem. The rela­xing atmo­sphe­re is also influ­en­ced by LED ligh­ting, which will sub­tly high­li­ght all deta­ils. Wide tops can be used to display fami­ly souve­nirs or other deco­ra­tions. You can also cho­ose a prac­ti­cal table for the fur­ni­tu­re, which works gre­at as a shelf for maga­zi­nes or as a stand for a lap­top or cof­fee. A recom­men­da­ble proposition.


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