Lejla furniture

Lej­la room fur­ni­tu­re is our next offer from among Polish fur­ni­tu­re in the UK from our offer, as well as a sty­lish inte­rior design. The­se fur­ni­tu­re is an ori­gi­nal idea for instal­ling a flat. The pre­sen­ted modu­les are distin­gu­ished by modern design in an extre­me­ly light and fresh ver­sion. Cer­ta­in­ly, in addi­tion to the sty­le, you will also appre­cia­te the com­fort of using fur­ni­tu­re in which eve­ry deta­il has been care­ful­ly refi­ned. This col­lec­tion of fur­ni­tu­re has eve­ry­thing a well-equ­ip­ped inte­rior needs. A wide ran­ge of ele­ments will cre­ate a uni­que dining room and living room.
The Lej­la modu­lar sys­tem is a sim­ple way to cre­ate a sty­lish inte­rior. The col­lec­tion took care of modern and fashio­na­ble design whi­le main­ta­ining maxi­mum func­tio­na­li­ty. Gla­zed sites on two sides and asym­me­tri­cal­ly moun­ted han­dles empha­si­ze the mini­ma­list sil­ho­uet­te of the modu­les. Sub­tle legs gen­tly add light­ness to them. The modern look is cre­ated by fashio­na­ble colors.
A spa­cio­us war­dro­be, che­sts of dra­wers, cabi­nets, han­ging cabi­nets, rtv cabi­nets, win­dows and she­lves allow for free arran­ge­ment. Dra­wers and fronts open very smo­oth­ly and quie­tly. The set is com­ple­men­ted by well-cho­sen cha­irs and a table that per­fec­tly suits the room or dining room.


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