Luca Bedroom

Bedro­om Luca is also a novel­ty in our wide ran­ge of Polish fur­ni­tu­re in the UK. Now your new bedro­om will sti­mu­la­te your ima­gi­na­tion and allow idyl­lic dre­ams in a Pro­ven­cal cli­ma­te. Deli­ca­te whi­te will give your bedro­om the impres­sion of a care­free idyll and evo­ke the atmo­sphe­re of Medi­ter­ra­ne­an holi­days. With this col­lec­tion you will be hap­py to welco­me eve­ry day. Func­tio­nal­ly orga­ni­zed spa­ce will faci­li­ta­te the pre­pa­ra­tion for leaving the house eve­ry mor­ning, which you will also be hap­py to come back to.
A very roomy 5‑door war­dro­be gives you gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ties to sto­re your war­dro­be. Mir­rors pla­ced on the fronts are a prac­ti­cal and often neces­sa­ry ele­ment of both a fema­le and a male bedro­om. The light reflec­ting from the mir­rors will bri­gh­ten and opti­cal­ly enlar­ge the room. Ple­ase also pay atten­tion to the finial in a dar­ker color, which effec­ti­ve­ly bre­aks the whi­te of the­se fur­ni­tu­re giving them unpre­ce­den­ted ori­gi­na­li­ty. In this fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion the­re is also a mecha­nism that ensu­res quiet and even clo­sing. Get rid of the noise of the slam­ming door once and for all.
Thanks to the Luca fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion and the use of ele­va­ted knots, eve­ry­one can rest on a high level. Thanks to the two prac­ti­cal dra­wers, the bed can also be used as sto­ra­ge, so you can keep order in your bedroom.


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