Wektra wardrobes

We pre­sent you an offer to orga­ni­ze your war­dro­be. Along with a wide ran­ge of capa­cio­us war­dro­bes, you will find only in Euro Fur­ni­tu­re. A well-desi­gned war­dro­be is the most impor­tant con­di­tion for a per­fec­tly orde­red inte­rior. With the Wek­tra war­dro­be sys­tem you will orga­ni­ze your dre­am war­dro­be. Pants, jac­ket, ele­gant high heels, ties and sca­rves will always have the­ir pla­ce and will be at hand.
Opti­mal func­tio­na­li­ty and fashio­na­ble inte­rior of the bedro­om or hal­l­way will now be possi­ble thanks to our war­dro­bes. The war­dro­be sys­tem inc­lu­des a sin­gle-door war­dro­be, two-door war­dro­bes as well as a func­tio­nal and wrap­ping cor­ner war­dro­be. Cabi­nets can be com­bi­ned fre­ely and adju­sted to the size of the room and indi­vi­du­al needs, inc­lu­ding the most exten­si­ve col­lec­tions of clo­thing and acces­so­ries. The­re is a possi­bi­li­ty of equ­ip­ping the cabi­net with addi­tio­nal she­lves and dra­wers, which will faci­li­ta­te the segre­ga­tion of things and main­ta­in the per­fect order and access to the selec­ted war­dro­be in the shor­test possi­ble time. The use of a mir­ror front will visu­al­ly enlar­ge and bri­gh­ten up the room. To the abo­ve cabi­nets, you can also easi­ly select living room fur­ni­tu­re from other sys­tems in a simi­lar sty­le. It is worth noting that our offer inc­lu­des more than 3,000 Polish furniture.


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