Author furniture in a modern style already in the UK

We pre­sent a new col­lec­tion of fur­ni­tu­re for enthu­sia­sts of modern sty­le now also for eve­ry­one from England. A sim­ple form, prac­ti­cal solu­tions and func­tio­na­li­ty will sure­ly appe­al to lovers of modern sty­le. This is ano­ther pro­po­sal of a well-known Polish fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer — Black Red Whi­te. At the same time, we would like to remind you that our com­pa­ny offers a full ran­ge of this manu­fac­tu­re­r’s fur­ni­tu­re along with deli­ve­ry in the UK. Modern inte­rior in a uni­que way com­bi­nes modern mini­ma­lism with ele­gan­ce. The decor and warmth of the inte­rior is added by wood decor com­bi­ned with a sim­ple geo­me­tric line of fur­ni­tu­re. Thanks to the modu­la­ri­ty of fur­ni­tu­re, you can arran­ge both a living room, a dining room, and the desks from the col­lec­tion will allow you to equ­ip a home offi­ce or a youth room. The uni­que cli­ma­te is cre­ated by the ener­gy-effi­cient LED ligh­ting used on the websi­tes. High-quali­ty fur­ni­tu­re acces­so­ries with a quiet lit­tle house will allow for even more com­for­ta­ble use. It sho­uld be noted that the­se fur­ni­tu­re are offe­red in two colors and in two types of finish. In the case of a body in a gra­phi­te lava color com­bi­ned with a warm décor in the color of a bri­ght san­re­mo oak, you will rece­ive roun­ded edges of the fronts toge­ther with a deco­ra­ti­ve panel on the coun­ter­top. In the second ver­sion, com­bi­ned with a dar­ker color — colum­bia nut, the ele­ments are beveled.


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