New in the UKMIO by VOX furniture collection

The MIO by VOX fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion is now ava­ila­ble for pur­cha­se in the UK in our fur­ni­tu­re sto­re in Lon­don. It is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by unli­mi­ted arran­ge­ment possi­bi­li­ties with sophi­sti­ca­ted ele­gan­ce and com­fort. The­se are fur­ni­tu­re of excep­tio­nal light­ness and sim­pli­ci­ty desi­gned for the living room and dining room by cho­osing a table from this col­lec­tion. Dura­bi­li­ty and soli­di­ty is guaran­te­ed by beech wood thanks to which solid fra­me struc­tu­res are used. The indi­vi­du­al fur­ni­tu­re modu­les are assem­bled on the fra­me. Ori­gi­na­li­ty is added by a com­bi­na­tion of glass, metal, wood and fabrics. Thanks to the spe­ci­fi­ci­ty of fur­ni­tu­re, the custo­mer can easi­ly cre­ate indi­vi­du­al fur­ni­tu­re. The modu­la­ri­ty of the col­lec­tion allows you to com­bi­ne ele­ments in dif­fe­rent con­fi­gu­ra­tions and cre­ate uni­que solids. The inte­rior can be rear­ran­ged thanks to inter­chan­ge­able fronts. Take advan­ta­ge of the advi­ce of our custo­mer servi­ce offi­ce to pro­per­ly assem­ble the ele­ments from your idea.


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