Discover new designs of Elda wardrobes

If you are looking not only for the war­dro­be but also for the modern deco­ra­tion of your apart­ment, you must neces­sa­ri­ly see new war­dro­be desi­gns. Alre­ady, Eldo war­dro­bes are ava­ila­ble in 9 color ver­sions and 8 types of fronts to cho­ose from. In addi­tion to the war­dro­be, you can mount a self-clo­sing sys­tem and insert 3 she­lves to impro­ve the orga­ni­za­tion of your war­dro­be. As a com­ple­ment to the war­dro­be, you can cho­ose other fur­ni­tu­re from our offer in the same colors. Ask our client advi­ser for details.


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