The new Tarbes Collection — a beautiful raw interior

The raw inte­riors have the­ir uni­que atmo­sphe­re, a gre­at exam­ple of which is the new fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion cal­led Tar­bes. The sim­ple form of the lumps was bro­ken here by the uni­que cany­on oak manor and nic­kel han­dles. Brand acces­so­ries and hin­ges with a quiet lit­tle house will take care of the com­fort of using the fur­ni­tu­re. The Tar­bes col­lec­tion inc­lu­des a book­ca­se, dres­ser, TV cabi­net, display cabi­net and shelf. We invi­te you to fami­lia­ri­ze your­self with the offer of our sto­re — POLISH UK FURNITURE.

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