Kaspian furniture with white milled fronts.

Kaspian fur­ni­tu­re in a new ver­sion with whi­te mil­led fronts is some­thing that distin­gu­ishes the­se fur­ni­tu­re from others. They are also cha­rac­te­ri­zed by thic­ke­ned sides. It is an offer for eve­ry­one who is looking for func­tio­nal and prac­ti­cal solu­tions for the­ir inte­riors.
High quali­ty hin­ges guaran­tee smo­oth ope­ning of the fronts, and addi­tio­nal­ly ena­ble the­ir three-dimen­sio­nal adju­st­ment. Points hol­ders with alu­mi­num ele­ments that enhan­ce visu­al quali­ties also dese­rve atten­tion. Thanks to the ele­ments ava­ila­ble, you can arran­ge a living room or a youth room, and the desk has a scratch-resi­stant surface.


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