Arosa-new model from Black Red White

Aro­sa fur­ni­tu­re is distin­gu­ished by ele­gan­ce with a hint of black in the form of a black fra­me. The mini­ma­list sty­le of Aro­sa fur­ni­tu­re cap­ti­va­tes with sim­ple forms, in which con­tra­sting colors of black and natu­ral color of oak wood are com­bi­ned. Excep­tio­nal­ly selec­ted colors and ele­ments of black glass empha­si­ze the sty­le of the­se fur­ni­tu­re and distin­gu­ish it from other col­lec­tions. Cer­ta­in­ly, they will also be appre­cia­ted on the UK mar­ket. Aro­sa is a beau­ti­ful look of Polish fur­ni­tu­re in con­nec­tion with modern solu­tions, thanks to which fur­ni­tu­re will serve eve­ry day.

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