Dressers The Haga-storage in a Scandinavian style

The che­sts of a well-known fur­ni­tu­re manu­fac­tu­rer, Black Red Whi­te, are an excel­lent cho­ice for people who are equ­al­ly inte­re­sted in func­tio­na­li­ty and fashio­na­ble design. Tra­di­tio­nal fra­me fronts and sub­du­ed colors allow you to use a dres­ser in Scan­di­na­vian, tra­di­tio­nal and English inte­riors. Wooden legs and table top in the sha­de of the Polish oak empha­si­ze the natu­ral sty­le of the fur­ni­tu­re, and at the same time give the arran­ge­ment a cozy cha­rac­ter of this fur­ni­tu­re. A cho­ice of two colors of corps and fronts: whi­te cana­dian and gray grau. Both ver­sions pro­vi­de a time­less look. The­se bikes are per­fect for inten­si­ve use and ensu­re smo­oth and quiet ope­ning.
With the dres­sers of The Haga, you can easi­ly design a func­tio­nal spa­ce inspi­red by Scan­di­na­via in the living room, dining room, bedro­om or hal­l­way. Polish fur­ni­tu­re in Scan­di­na­vian sty­le now ava­ila­ble in the UK.

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