Braga collection — modern interiors and functional solutions

Use the Bra­ga col­lec­tion to cre­ate a fashio­na­ble living room arran­ge­ment. The cha­rac­te­ri­stic roun­ded edges of the fronts and sub­tly hid­den han­dles are ele­ments that attract atten­tion. The ori­gi­nal design is also due to the com­bi­na­tion of whi­te fronts with a warm colo­ra­tion of the rivie­ra oak body. The fur­ni­tu­re has bran­ded acces­so­ries and safe tem­pe­red glass. The­se fur­ni­tu­re are per­fect for eve­ry­day use. We invi­te you to visit our fur­ni­tu­re sto­re in Lon­don and get acqu­ain­ted with the latest offer of Polish fur­ni­tu­re in the UK.