The vintage style in the furniture is back

Fashio­na­ble from pre­vio­us deca­des, the sty­le of fur­ni­tu­re is back. The vin­ta­ge sty­le can come back to your flats. The sim­ple sty­le of Heda fur­ni­tu­re was bro­ken with a solid fra­me made of pine wood. Neu­tral whi­te and tops in the colo­ring of the gol­den sibiu larch and many ava­ila­ble ele­ments give the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate a fashio­na­ble arran­ge­ment of the living room, dining room, as well as the youth room. High legs and mini­ma­li­stic han­dles are the high­li­ght of the light form of the units.

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