The new Mezo furniture collection

The new Mezo fur­ni­tu­re col­lec­tion is an ele­gant whi­te that is so fashio­na­ble in the new ver­sion. Fur­ni­tu­re is espe­cial­ly recom­men­ded for tho­se who love mini­ma­list inte­riors. The latest trends in the arran­ge­ment com­bi­ne the sim­pli­ci­ty of forms with unco­nven­tio­nal design.
The fur­ni­tu­re has squ­are, sim­ple han­dles in silver color. The thic­ke­ned sides of the fur­ni­tu­re accen­tu­ate the sty­le of the inte­rior. The colors of the fronts can be cho­sen from two variants: matt whi­te or with high gloss fronts.
Mezo is a modu­lar col­lec­tion, and the ava­ila­ble ele­ments make it possi­ble to cre­ate lay­outs ide­al­ly suited to the needs of all house­hold mem­bers. The che­sts of dra­wers and cabi­nets can be fre­ely com­bi­ned and com­bi­ned, so you do not have to buy new fur­ni­tu­re when you get bored with your pre­vio­us arran­ge­ment. In the same sty­le you will also arran­ge a bedro­om thanks to a com­for­ta­ble bed, a spa­cio­us dres­ser, a mir­ror and a bed­si­de table. A uni­ver­sal occa­sio­nal table, an rtv cabi­net, han­ging she­lves and a per­fect pla­ce in the living room. Mezo fur­ni­tu­re can also be used in the dining room, hall and youth room.


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