Stockholm bedroom furniture collection

Func­tio­nal bedro­om that will charm lovers of bri­ght inte­riors. Ble­ached fronts juxta­po­sed with dark coun­ter­tops ful­ly reflect the Scan­di­na­vian sty­le. Thanks to this col­lec­tion you will cre­ate a uni­ver­sal base, which you will diver­si­fy with pastel or inten­se colors. The metal han­dles that the fur­ni­tu­re has been equ­ip­ped with give them charm. The ava­ila­ble ele­ments inc­lu­de a chest of dra­wers, a war­dro­be, a bed and a bed­si­de table. Visit our Lon­do­n’s showroom.

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