The Zele collection is a light form in your home from today

For tho­se who like moder­ni­ty and for tho­se who appre­cia­te the beau­ty of oak fur­ni­tu­re, the Zele col­lec­tion was cre­ated. The body in the color of wotan oak is com­bi­ned with whi­te glos­sy fronts, com­bi­ning sim­pli­ci­ty with ele­gan­ce. Modern cha­rac­ter is empha­si­zed by han­dles inte­gra­ted with the upper edge of the fronts, and the mecha­nism of push to open and tem­pe­red glass in the win­dows will allow for com­for­ta­ble use. Diver­si­fied sha­pes from the modu­lar Zele col­lec­tion cre­ate a suc­cess­ful arran­ge­ment of a bedro­om, living room or youth room. Wyso­kiej jako­ści pol­skie meble w UK.

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