Euro Furniture

Euro Furniture

Blog of a furniture store with polish furniture in the UK - London


Welcome to the blog of Euro Furniture.

Euro Fur­ni­tu­re com­pa­ny offers a wide ran­ge of polish fur­ni­tu­re in UK. We are based in Lon­don at Colin­da­le. We have many years of expe­rien­ce in the fur­ni­tu­re mar­ket. Fur­ni­tu­re can be orde­red by visi­ting our sto­re, onli­ne via our shop onli­ne or by pho­ne. We are an autho­ri­zed distri­bu­tor some famo­us and repu­ta­ble fur­ni­tu­re pro­du­cers in the Uni­ted King­dom, such as: Black Red Whi­te (BRW), Bog­fran, Meble VOX, Dignet and many more. Check out the latest trends and design of polish fur­ni­tu­re by clic­king a link BLOG, whe­re you will find a lot of inspi­ra­tion to deco­ra­te a home in the UK in a dre­am style.
We offer a wide ran­ge of uphol­ste­red fur­ni­tu­re — more than 200 models with sle­eping func­tion and with bed sto­ra­ge: sofa beds, cor­ner sofa beds, sofas, che­ap sofas (cal­led: wer­sal­ki), arm­cha­irs, poufs. We also offer fur­ni­tu­re for chil­dren and young people, living room fur­ni­tu­re, offi­ce fur­ni­tu­re, dining room fur­ni­tu­re, bedro­oms, entran­ce halls, mat­tres­ses — over 3000 units in both modern and clas­sic sty­le. Fur­ni­tu­re are sold as self-assem­bly pac­ka­ges in flat packs. Our com­pa­ny offers the assem­bly servi­ce, but the pri­ce is not included.
We are regi­ste­red UK com­pa­ny with more than 10 years expe­rien­ce on fur­ni­tu­re mar­ket, so you can trust us. We pro­vi­de short deli­ve­ry times, expert advi­ce and pro­fes­sio­nal servi­ce. Orders pla­ced with us are cove­red by the shop and manu­fac­tu­re­r’s war­ran­ty. Be one of tho­usands of satis­fied custo­mers and visit our 1000 m² Lon­do­n’s fur­ni­tu­re showroom.
NOTE: We have a wide ran­ge of fur­ni­tu­re ava­ila­ble on display and in stock. The­re is also free par­king for guests.

15 Car­li­sle Road, NW9 0HD, Colin­da­le, Lon­don, UK.

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Euro Fur­ni­tu­re
Ave­ra­ge rating:  
 7 reviews
 by Sam

Just had a side­bo­ard and a war­dro­be deli­ve­red… it is ado­ra­ble, I love it. Came alre­ady assem­bled and so well made, doors and dra­wers clo­sed very posi­ti­ve­ly . The deli­ve­ry guy was real­ly frien­dly and help­ful to.

 by Jon
Best polish fur­ni­tu­re in UK

Good com­pa­ny and pro­ducts. No issu­es, good com­mu­ni­ca­tion and deli­ve­ry as pro­mi­sed. Best polish fur­ni­tu­re in UK

 by Ann
Will abso­lu­te­ly use again.

Gre­at custo­mer servi­ce from start to finish. Love­ly item.

 by Megan

Bought three pie­ces of fur­ni­tu­re from same col­lec­tion, so they all mat­ched. Fan­ta­stic on deli­ve­ry, spot on timing agre­ed, gre­at quali­ty fur­ni­tu­re and I am a very fus­sy shop­per but nothing to com­pla­in about. 

 by Ali­ce
Good quali­ty furniture

Excel­lent servi­ce. We will shop aga­in and recom­mend to friends. thank you.

 by Olga
Orde­red cor­ner sofa bed

Com­pa­ny con­tac­ted me with deli­ve­ry date. Sofa deli­ve­red on time Altho­ugh I do not live in Lon­don. Excel­lent servi­ce. Best polish fur­ni­tu­re in UK.

 by Ola
Polish fur­ni­tu­re UK

Thanks to a fur­ni­tu­re sto­re in Lon­don, I fur­ni­shed my apart­ment with my dre­am Polish fur­ni­tu­re. I am very hap­py that now I can set up in the UK as in Poland.

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